Florida Tech’s Annual African American Read-In Bibliography
- @Florida_Today. (2019). Airport Blvd. renamed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. during ceremony in Melbourne. Retrieved from http://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/2019/09/19/airport-blvd-renamed-dr-martin-luther-king-jr-blvd-during-ceremony-melbourne/2284274001/
- Blane, R. (1973, January 12). Poinsett Supplement Plan Meets Deadline. Orlando Sentinel.
- Boone, F. E. (1988). Florida Historical Markers and Sites. Houston, Texas: Gulf Publishing Company.
- Brevard School Integration Trial to Start. (1964, June 24). Melbourne Times.
- Cleveland, W. (1976, March 3). First Graduating Class Numbered 10 at Stone. Melbourne Times, p. 8A.
- Cleveland, W. (1985, March 6). Slaying the Dragon of Prejudice, Hatred. Melbourne Times.
- Cleveland, W. (1988). A Tribute to Melbourne's Pioneers. Melbourne, Florida: Minuteman Printery, Inc.
- Cleveland, W. (1994). Crossroad Towns Remembered: A Look Back at Brevard and Indian River Pioneer Communities. Melbourne, Florida: Florida Today.
- Florida Frontiers “The Lynching of James Clark” | Florida Historical Society. (2016, 2016-09-01T16:42-04:00). Retrieved from http://myfloridahistory.org/frontiers/article/129
- Lawsuit Filed to Desegregate Brevard Schools. (1961, October 26). Melbourne Times, p. 1.
- Poinsett Black Pupils Returning. (1973, February 5). Orlando Sentinel.
- Raley, K., & Flotte, A. R. (2002). Melbourne and Eau Gallie. Charleston, SC: Arcadia.
- Rogers, E. (2021, February 23). Justice at Last: Brevard School Board acknowledges unjust firing of civil rights leaders. Florida Today. Retrieved from http://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/education/2021/02/23/brevard-school-board-acknowledges-unjust-firing-civil-rights-leaders/4554057001/
- White, G. (1987, July 7). School Days before Integration. Florida Today, p. 2.
- Zuckerman, R. Racial Barriers Slow to Fall. Florida Today, pp. 1A, 6A.
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