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Performance Evaluations

Applies to:Original Policy Date:Date of Last Review:Approved by:
Employees, excluding faculty, academic deans, vice presidents and the President December 1, 2014 June 2022 Dr. Marco Carvalho
Executive Vice President and Provost

Policy Owner: Office of Human Resources

Policy Purpose

The performance appraisal process provides a means for discussing, planning, and reviewing the overall performance of each employee. Performance appraisals may influence salaries, promotions, and transfers and it is critical that supervisors are objective in conducting performance reviews and in assigning overall performance ratings.

Policy Scope

All employees, except for faculty, academic deans, vice presidents, and the president, whose performance reviews are addressed in other policies.

Policy Statement

Each supervisor is required to conduct a performance evaluation annually of each employee to provide systematic and regular discussion, review and evaluation of the employee’s work and progress. Evaluations are structured around Core Performance Values, which typically include mission, customer service, collaboration and partnership, technical skills and knowledge, quality and productivity, problem solving, and additional items as established by the Office of Human Resources to assess both conduct and contributions.


Formal performance appraisals are conducted annually during periods announced by the Office of Human Resources.

The performance review process includes employee self-evaluation and is intended to be interactive and increase communication and collaboration.

Each employee should complete their self-evaluation. Each supervisor should complete and discuss an employee’s evaluation with them.

Completed evaluations are retained in the employee's electronic personnel file.

Compliance Reference

SACSCOC Standard 5.5


Each Florida Tech manager and supervisor is responsible for the timely and equitable assessment of the performance and contribution of subordinate employees.

Employees are responsible to complete their self-evaluations and to review and acknowledge the manager’s evaluation.


Employees and supervisors who do not complete performance reviews in accordance to this policy may be subject to disciplinary action.